I'm BACK! Quick review of QUAKE II w/ RTX

Alright... sorry it's been so long but REAL LIFE is happening RIGHT NOW.
So Covid 19 happened... and that's turned out to be nothing more than a more serious flu, which is NOTHING LIKE what they told us (look up the actual rates of people who got it but were asymptomatic, and the rates of people who actually died who got it, and look up all those who got it, died, but had COMORBIDITIES). What a farce. It's all for the purpose of getting us chipped up, vacc'd up, scanned up, ID'd up, so that we can be entered into a global "social credit system" like they have test-run in China, and when our cash is all digitized "so that we don't transmit coronavirus on it" they'll be able to withhold our own funds from us because we've been "bad citizens" (seriously, LOOK UP SOCIAL CREDIT SYSTEM IN CHINA). Here, enjoy: https://youtu.be/TY-vLrz9XCc
Also heard the President of Ghana telling his citizens about the Rockefeller's agenda that coincides with this. It's revealed in some documentation from them in a 'scenario' called "Lock Step" where governments use a pandemic to introduce authoritarian control. Here's his video: https://youtu.be/GVjketUc3qA. He's referring to summaries based on the LOCK STEP documentation. One such summary is here: https://peachlandadvocate.ca/news/welcome-to-the-gates-of-hell/ but the original document is here: nommeraadio.ee/meedia/pdf/RRS/Rockefeller%20Foundation.pdf and another is here right on the Rockefeller website: https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/Annual-Report-2010-1.pdf A similar document from 1980 can be found on USAID.gov's official server here: https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PCAAB500.pdf
This stuff ain't conspiracy theories, friends. It's happening. You can check out my weekly stream on my youtube channel. Here's the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSZQX_rK8pMg1f8P1q8gzoAN3du3g7CM7
So yeah, been busy with that but also with getting ready for the great big Boogaloo of the north, lol (I'm kidding... sort of). Our communist prime minister and his cronies have banned all of our best semi-automatic firearms remotely viable for stopping a tyrannical takeover of our nation. So I went and protested against that at my provincial capital building (too far from the national parliament): https://www.facebook.com/710909668/videos/10158678266229669/ facebook cut off the last hour unfortunately (because that's the hour wherein a leftist actually said and did disparaging things just because I was peacefully advocating to keep our guns). Also wrote up a few articles on the matter and the reality that this is DISARMAMENT and not for safety, and won't make us more safe:
(here's a bonus one about covid and conspiracy theories too): https://www.facebook.com/notes/michael-david-hill/its-time-to-recognize-we-are-living-out-a-conspiracy-theory-covid-19/10158634987689669/
Then I also had to start writing messages to mutual friends of a pastor in India I've been donating too for the operation of his girl's home because I'm concerned he's lying to us about how much money people are giving... that's been time consuming.
Next, I have to get in touch with everyone I know to find out what they think about the firearms ban, but most notably the actually owners I know to see what they are thinking. Even of greater priority are the active and former police and military so that they can get in touch with their networks because if we know the police and military won't stand against peaceful, armed, protesters out to say "We have a right to possess these firearms, and here is a declaration of our rights on paper going forward," then they're on our side and our elected officials who are moving towards despotism have no actual power - which is a good thing for us. This is all based on the AGENDA 2030 of the United Nations to disarm the world, no kidding, look at their official website for yourself: https://www.un.org/disarmament/sg-agenda/en/ "It's for YOUR safety...." Sure thing, Hitler. How's this gone over and over again in history?
But yeah, although I joke about the boogaloo because I pray it doesn't happen (because who wants a civil war?!), if our elected government doesn't listen to us and change things and reverse course, we'll be having one whether we like it or not within the next thirty years (UN Agenda 2050 will be the final nail in the coffin for one world governance, certainly). So I hope people get active peacefully and kindly (not this savagery and barbarism passed off as "peaceful protests" going on in the States right now, wow). Anyway, as a joke, half-heartedly I got my own "Boogaloo/I Like to Party" shirt recently, lol: https://shop.oafnation.com/products/aloha-mk17-shirt?variant=19317624406085 Dead sexy!

I'll probably custom make a "Big Igloo" shirt as I'm a Canadian as well (and Americans think we live in Igloos...), and that happens to be another nickname for the boogaloo. It's all funny, but it's not. And of course the leftist Mainstream Media is already attacking this and saying such people are 'right-wing, white-supremacist, radicals', and that's hardly true. The majority of us are patriots, the same sort that have fought and served for their freedoms time and again in every conflict as they sat back here working in logistics or in more modern times, blogging and vlogging. Noted, there ARE a few idiots out there making jokes about attacking "Alphabet boys" (service men under organizations that use acronyms like ATF, FBI, etc). Very dumb, very sad, I've talked to one guy and he said, "It's all jokes, man, learn to laugh," but some things you don't joke about. There's also a few guys calling for revolution RIGHT NOW, but that's dumb. Anyone who has read the Declaration of Independence (which I did recently for the first time to see when such a thing is warranted) knows we're not there yet: https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript
Man, what a beautiful and thoughtful document.
My hope is up here in Canada we can, if the gunbans aren't reversed, show up en masses, with safe'd up, locked out firearms (but with loaded mags 'at the ready'), and read our own declaration of rights specifically for firearms going forward (the truth is firearms ownership on a widescale is WHY we have the rights to other freedoms like speech - people can say all they want unless an oppressor pushes them down; second, we have a GOD GIVEN RIGHT to own what's necessary to defend ourselves, our family, our friends, our neighbours, and even strangers from an oppressor... and Canada has ALWAYS had firearms... so we aren't GIVEN rights, the laws are meant to SAFEGUARD our rights... which right now they aren't - and if you look at it, this came after a crazed gunman who was likely a "confidential informant" for our federal/nation wide police force, the RCMP, went on a rampage with ILLEGALLY ACQUIRED FIREARMS SMUGGLED IN FROM THE UNITED STATES.... so once more, not a law-abiding citizen being the problem, but law abiding citizens being punished).
SO... super busy, get the last of the kit I need to be autonomous to some extent (soldier-wise anyway)... getting rounds ready to go to the range, but yeah, not much time for gaming, hardly streamed at all.
I've been playing XCOM: Chimera Squad from time to time, more on that in the next review...
... which is why I installed QUAKE II w/ RTX last night.
SO, I don't own an Nvidia RTX 2060 as recommended... but I found a reddit article on how to "downscale" the resolution so that it will run on my GTX 1080ti... so yeah, I got 50-60 FPS and it looked a little fuzzy, here's the stream: https://youtu.be/PUbmDHTbLAE (I was getting chunky upload so some frame dropping happened here and there)
So yeah.. the lighting effects are pretty super cool for such an old game. You can even set what time of day it is so that the lighting from the sky is different. The effects from the traveling weapon blasts were cool. The reflections from water and computer consoles and glass effects were gorgeous.... but the game felt like an ancient FPS, AI was hardly existent, and the game just dragged along. I played 1 'unit' of the game (there's 10 in total), and a little of the second, so a total of 4 or 5 missions (got the chaingun)... but yeah, it just felt boring and unnecessary.
I've decided with nearly 100 games in my STEAM library, it's time to stop playing games that I'm not enjoying THOROUGHLY. Why make myself play through the entire campaign if I don't like it? So I won't be doing that anymore.
I'm going to give it 2/5 Stars... If you REALLY enjoy Quake... this will probably seem passe, lol. Seriously, I had fun with DOOM and the Quake FPS stuff, but this is so repetitive. BUT yeah, it does look really good. Oh right, I nearly forgot, the mouse-aim feels SO awful, maybe because there's no mouse acceleration? Maybe because vertical felt different from horizontal? I don't know but it was bad and made the experience even less enjoyable. Maybe if it felt more natural and fluid, I would have played this more to speed-run through. But you can't speedrun when you're missing enemy too much.
I also have received some requests to read comics again so I think I'll try to do one series weekly.
Thanks all for stopping by. Feel free to follow me on Twitch.tv to see more geeky goodness!
Past VODs are all at my YouTube channel.
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And I also hope your conscience towards God has been stirred. You can ask Him questions at a website I'm still constructing - www.HeHasAnswers.com - and even read what I've written thus far regarding the irrefutable evidence of His existence (or LISTEN to a rough recording of that at my ministry YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCofXyXv8UBESJs08cg5OICA)
God bless you and good night!
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