"The Good Shepherd" - a review of DeNiro's film...

"The best spy movie ever".... says you, Larry King.
Umm, was it really realistic seeming in terms of how the CIA formed and operated through to the 'Bay of Pigs' fiasco? Sure, kinda, sorta. But it missed out on a lot.
Honestly, what this film seemed like was a propaganda 'damage control' piece to remind people that the CIA is pretty benign and humdrum while a small select group of people are coming to realize the CIA was formed from the top guys of the O.S.S. (Office of Strategic Services) in World War 2, many of whom wanted to win the war at ANY cost and so had permitted the investigation into occult powers such as telepathy, astral projection, 'remote-viewing', and other psychic phenomenon in order to gain intelligence on the enemy's plans. No doubt somebody was also 'experimenting' with hexing and vexing and blood sacrifices too.... ya know, "just to see if it worked???"...
No, the truth is, many occultists got into these branches and have grown their roots deeply entwined into it as it went (I discuss in my free eBook of the reality that it was the CIA that had LSD distributed throughout the United States, to Timothy Leary, a 'famed' psychiatrics professor. You even see them administer LSD in the film.
We also see the Skull & Bones group which CIA director/former president George Bush had been a member of. Again, totally downplayed. Was it gross and weird that inductees wrestled naked in mud, for sure (but don't worry, the idea of them being pissed on during this was a 'one-off' as only one senior member did this). Was it kinda strange that this 'boys club' grows and goes on throughout all of adult hood, meeting regularly or at least annually at a cabin retreat? Uh huh... but nothing sinister happens there! Don't believe the conspiracy theories!!! Yeah right, Look up Bohemian Grove and 'The Cremation of Care', it's indeed steeped in satanism, Luciferianism, and occultism.

SO YEAH, obviously propaganda to anesthetize the masses to what the Skull and Bones and OSS and CIA are and were all about (you wonder why the deep state is going after a nationalist president who won't give the US over to the satanic agenda of a one world government???).
It struck me as I watched this, that's the strange difference between a Freemasonic lodge, or the Illuminati, or the Knights of Columbus, or Templars, or Shriners, or Rotary clubs, or these guys VS a good healthy, Christian men's ministry.... The dark, occultic ones, no matter how innocent seeming, involve all kinds of rites and traditions, and false worship, where as a healthy Christian men's ministry helps guys get stronger in Christ Jesus and doesn't need all the weird titles and ceremony. I felt like puking looking at this stuff.
I will say though that for a film spanning so long, it handled the pace quite well and gave us somewhat of an understanding of what was happening. The cinematography was exceptional as well. I'm amazed that this was made in 2006... Naturally the acting was quite good. Matt Damon's emotionless, almost unfeeling character had an incredible amount of depth for a guy who grew up not knowing how to show emotion. I don't know or care if he was based on a real person, but if that's the case I doubt the true person was anything like this. Seeing various methods of 'spycraft' were interesting too.
One bit that stood out was Damon's character did not at all seem the type to dress up as a woman and sing so confidently in front of a crowded amphitheater. In fact, as someone in a youtube video pointed out, cross-dressing is a common theme for initiates of occult groups (Baphomet is 'androgyne' so this only makes sense). As a nod to the dark people of the world, this scene was added for this person (or because it truly was an initiation of sorts for Damon's character - Bohemion Grove DOES INDEED include new members dressing as women to participate in plays; yet another reason this was likely 'damage control' as more about Bohemian Grove was coming to light in the public). I can actually remember the boy's AJHL rep hockey team where I live going out dressed as women to public places like the movie theater I worked at. I asked what it was about and they told me it was their initiation and they had to do just that, go out in public. Their coaches and stuff were probably freemasons or some crap (allegations of pedophelia definitly came out later, and I saw a photo a hazing ritual where a coach was in the shot after being told guys were penetrated with dildos... definitely homo-erotic and nothing a coach should be around for sure). This Luciferian trash has so inundated and infiltrated our society, dear friend. We're so close to Jesus's return. I hope you are ready.
The portrayal of the relationship between Damon and his son was everything you'd expect from a physically and emotionally absent father - dreary. It saddened me that he didn't sit his adult son down and say, "Son, I love you so much and I AM proud of you. You don't need to follow in my foot steps to make me proud. You see, my footsteps are why we have such a poor relationship and I am sorry and I hope you can forgive me... but please, do something you like, be a father and husband that is better than me, and I'll be proud of you for that."
But no, he can't, so what happens happens and it's awful.
Poor Angelina Jolie as the wife too. Wow, sad. Man, was she ever gorgeous in her portrayal of 'Clover' when they first meet. But her promiscuity and overt sexuality was dripping with hints that her occult father and his buddies probably victimized her at least a few times as she grew up. Of course that's not established in this weak-sauce film trying to downplay the sinister nature of these groups. It was terribly sad that she was giving up her body instantly in hopes that Damon would just say he loved her. Or was she wanting him to say he loved her to feel better about having casual sex in those days? Judging by the remainder of their relationship and her desire for his love I would say it was the former. The truth that to this day people are ALWAYS and ACTUALLY seeking unconditional love, even through physical encounters says also that it was the former. Jolie just has such nice facial features... and such a terrific smile along with her eyes. It's too bad she's probably an occult witch of a high order: https://youtu.be/yTdp4CvDZoc
Sad. Pray for her. Pray the heartbreak of her life and her broken marriages will lead her to the feet of Jesus for healing.
Anyway.... I'd give this film 3/5 stars ***. If you didn't know, 4 stars is the minimum rating I give a film that is "worth watching again." This film was really well done. But there was nothing redeeming about it. It was a soul-sucking advertisement for secret societies. It mentioned JFK's desire to shatter the CIA "into a thousand pieces" because he saw how corrupt it was.... but as interesting as that was, they did nothing more about that. I don't ever want to watch this film again.
But if you want to get it, it's here: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00OKUY6LA/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_x_jNP-Eb1E329SD
Honestly though, why was this film called "The Good Shepherd"??? Matt Damon shepherded NO ONE!!! He was a HORRIBLE father, a HORRIBLE husband, he was only good at spycraft because he could go his whole life without talking to another human soul somehow. I wonder if that title was just taken to defame the REAL good shepherd?

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