Aliens: HIVE by Dark Horse Comics - a brief review

Well... I've been putting this off half because of busyness and half because I didn't want to do it, HA! I wanted to read another Aliens series of comics, but I wasn't excited to write about this series because it honestly isn't really worth sharing.

Interesting development in the Aliens saga: using alien pheremones to try and send a synthetic alien into a hive; the fact that said alien-synth had a plasma weapon hidden within itself for emergencies... something I didn't understand flipping through the comic as an adolescent so I just thought it was dumb for an alien to spawn some sort of gun out of itself... but as an adult that actually read the entire story, realize how it made sense and was somewhat 'neat'.

Aside from that, the art was an interesting style but not spectacular, the story was, as is the case too often, overly sexualized, the main female character although wearing a sweater and cargo pants, for some reason had a silhouette that appeared entirely nude (like, who are you trying to excite here?), and the main character was some weirdo 'royal jelly' addicted scientist. Again, hard to relate to this character.

There wasn't much dialogue, which is fine, but there wasn't much story either. The biggest positive was some somewhat interesting ideas and that it moved the aliens story along in the comic book universe. Honestly though I'd much rather have incredible academy award winning movie script quality story writing. Let's hope it improves in the future.

This series only gets a 2/5 stars from me **

If you'd like to get your hands on it for some reason, here it is as a graphic novel:


To hear me reading this comic and view it, check it out here:

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