Aliens vs Predator: The Deadliest of The Species - a short review of a lengthy series

I can't believe we got through this reading, team...

Clearly a vehicle for some soy-boys fulfillment of a wetdream of his main character wearing a bevy of exploitative sexually revealing clothing.

What an awful, convoluted story. No, it's not that I can't follow a "brilliant and twisting" plot (I was able to follow Inception and many other Chris Nolan stories), it's that this was really, really dreadful. The art was alright, on par for the 90's, but not fantastic. All the genetic mixing of predator/alien/human species was so ridiculous. It was akin to any dumb Marvel story line from the 80's., so bad.

I really had to force myself to read past issue 6 (of the TWELVE!) and I didn't get there because it was so enjoyable, but because I was forcing myself.

Elements were interesting. There was a way to make the AI an evil nemesis be pulling everyone's strings; there was a way to incorporate genetic experimentation with the aliens and predators and humans without it getting out of hand; but the writer failed and failed big. Poor, poor delivery.

This is a 1-star comic book series.... 1/5 stars *

As bad as it is, you can hear it read by me here on YouTube:

And if for some reason you want to buy it, here it is:

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God bless you and good night!
