A brief review of Dark Horse Comcis' "ALIENS: ROGUE" - THAT'S More LIKE IT!

Well if the title didn't give it away, this series was exceptional! THIS is the quality and caliber that the art and the story should be meeting with each series. The SUITS the hired guns/former-marines wear to protect them from the acidic blood of the aliens are so cool. The penciling and then inking is also top notch. The colouring is what's to be expected from the early 90's so I'll give a 'pass' there. The story moves along nicely and surprises the reader rather skillfully.

Once more it's a shame to hear the evolutionary drivel but if earth is permitted to survive to the year the "Alien" 'universe' takes place in it's only par for the course and bound to get worse, especially in the 'science' community the story where scientists are in labs takes place in.

Overall I'd still grant this series 4/5 stars tying with "Alien: Book Two". Will we see 5 star comics? I doubt it, but one can hope. Generally unless a comic possesses a great story of redemption (such as is found with the Gospel) then it's impossible.

If you'd like to purchase this excellent story it can be found here:

Aliens: Rogue 1 of 4

Aliens: Rogue 2 of 4

Aliens: Rogue 3 of 4

Aliens: Rogue 4 of 4

And BETTER YET, if you want to HEAR me reading this comic and watch panel by panel, check out my past VOD here: https://youtu.be/uni0rjojvmQ (there's a post-sex scene where a breast is seen, no nipple though, but I thought I'd give a warning)

I'm going to be taking a little break from reading comics for a while to spare my voice as I'm currently reading through my free apologetics eBook "He Is: The Truth that God Exists and the Thorough Investigation of Undeniable Proofs" (available as a downloadable pdf file at my ministry site, and I encourage you to read it or listen to it here at YouTube)

Thanks all for stopping by. Feel free to follow me on Twitch.tv to see more geeky goodness!

Past VODs are all at the YouTube channel I linked to above.

And I also hope your conscience towards God has been stirred. You can ask Him questions at a website I'm still constructing - www.HeHasAnswers.com - and even read what I've written thus far regarding the irrefutable evidence of His existence.

God bless you and good night!
