MIRROR'S EDGE, a gorgeous and interesting game

I can't lie... I'm not good at parkour.
Wait, who is? Hardly anybody.
And that's the attraction to this game: you get to run and slide and jump and do CRAZY stunts that even parkour 'masters' aren't doing (note: most people die trying crazy stunts or get badly injured in their pursuit of 'parkour master'... so don't... just don't - in fact, play this game and stop throwing your lives away... errmm.. okay, don't play this game TOO MUCH or then you're STILL throwing your life away, one minute at a time).
Seriously though, it was really fun doing all the stunts and being able to jump from rooftop to rooftop (reminds me of my days as a teen running across rooves in the neighbourhood... We're talking 'PRE-Jesus'...).
However, there's times where you have no idea where to run and what route to take WHILE BEING CHASED, so that's a pretty big pain in the butt. Nobody LIKES being 'good' at a game or mission or whatever task because it's their eighth or even SECOND try - we want to WIN on the first try. To help the player do this you NEED level design that really helps "HINT" (read: DIRECT) the player on where to go so as fast as their brain is whirring while the run and jump and slide they know where to turn to go next. A lot of the I didn't, and that was annoying. They try to fix this with the "red objects" but a lot of stuff doesn't even turn red. They try to fix this with 'Merc' your over-the-radio sidekick who gives you the occasional direction.... far too occasionally. But once in a blue moon you do it on the first try and you feel 'like a boss', and that's how you should feel in a video game which is 'fantasy' (I nor 99.9% of the public will go out and try to recreate any of the stunts in this game, thank God).
The gun play is sort of neat although I only once tried to watch the gun go red and 'disarm' my enemy - usually I just punched them unconscious and took the gun once it fell on the ground). One of the late-game fights is uber tough until you figure out you can't punch more than once at a time. It was pretty satisfying getting guns though and then blowing the fascist police (no no, REAL fascists, not normal cops all over the US just doing their jobs and arresting people be they black or white but in a SLIGHT disproportion according to FBI statistics, but IN PROPORTION to the crimes being committed by said groups), but the gunplay was a little lacking - fine considering this wasn't a 'shooter' game. Great sound FX though (funny having your M249 run dry... while the belt is still jangling there full of bullets though, ha! "Attention to detail, troops!!!")
Lastly the art and style of this game was gorgeous; the all-white buildings, the characters, the red/blue hues, and the stylized cut scenes. I thought it was great.
All that being said, I don't think this game has any replayability. You can race yourself in time-trials through the maps and some people stream speed-runs... but who cares. Honestly, once you've played this game, that's enough. For me at least.
I'd give this a 4/5 stars because it's a really unique gaming experience and it looks nice. Try to get it on a STEAM sale and then "trade" it to a "friend" in exchange for Steam $$ or something (that's what I'm going to try and do - on that note, PM me if you want it :D)
If you'd like to buy the game you can do so here:
And here's a playlist of me playing MOST of the game so you can get a feel for it, including the frustrating moments :D
Soon I'll be doing reviews for BLOOD BOWL 2 and SPACE HULK: TACTICS (both great "virtual" boardgames), but first I am going to finish them, make some custom squads and play in the leagues/online, and play some skirmishes, and host a "virtual boardgame night" with friends and see how they play together. Can't wait!
Thanks all for stopping by. Feel free to follow me on Twitch.tvTwitch.tv to see more geeky goodness!
Past VODs are all at the YouTube channel I linked to above.
And I also hope your conscience towards God has been stirred. You can ask Him questions at a website I'm still constructing - www.HeHasAnswers.com - and even read what I've written thus far regarding the irrefutable evidence of His existence.
God bless you and good night!
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