ALIENS: Book Two - Now We're Cooking with Gas!!!

Alright! I think we're on the right track now! Better artwork, great colouring... This was quite a leap forward!

Book Two follows immediately after ALIENS BOOK ONE (makes sense) ended off with Hicks, Newt, and Butler boarding a cargo transport on auto-pilot.

The delusions of grandeur of a Marines colonel(?) thinking he can weaponize, or more aptly TRAIN the aliens to retake earth for him to be seen as the hero was quite something. That his second-in-command wanted to dethrone him to save the occupants of the ship was another great addition. One must ask though how they arrive at LV-426 so quickly (or is this not Acheron???) because it took the Sulaco months if I remember correctly.

Unfortunately there's some entirely unnecessary imagery of Newt scantily clothed, I guess to get the blood of perverts pumping over drawings. We've still got the wackadoo cultish citizens of earth offering human sacrifices to the queen alien.... and it's even more clear that the queen's telepathic powers to instill dreams/influence people is well beyond that of an animal-like creature, but more akin to a sentient, self-aware being. Pretty silly. A chalkboard reads at one point: "Darwin was right" but Darwin was wrong about pretty much everything other than the idea of natural selection (species don't jump via mutation into completely different species).

*SPOILER ALERT* after being told in Book One that "Ripley's gone off somewhere" with zero explanation, she shows up at the end of Book Two armed for a fight. I guess we'll get to see what happens in "EARTH WAR" the next series. BUT I gotta' say, it was pretty weird for her to just show up... especially holding firepower that would've weighed 40+ lbs....

This series receives the highest rating to date: 4/5 stars

I still wouldn't suggest buying the comic (because I don't see any point in buying anything you won't read repeatedly... unless you just want to collect and then stow them away... but then for what?) but if you'd like to here they are:

1 of 4

2 of 4

3 of 4

4 of 4

And if you want to watch a VOD of me reading through it, that can be found here:

(Good news, I figured out how to stop the clicking and popping in my processed streaming mic so that will sound much better I do believe)

Thanks all for stopping by. Feel free to follow me on to see more geeky goodness!

Past VODs are all at the YouTube channel I linked to above.

And I also hope your conscience towards God has been stirred. You can ask Him questions at a website I'm still constructing - - and even read what I've written thus far regarding the irrefutable evidence of His existence.

God bless you and good night!
