A brief review of Dark Horse Comic's 1989 series "PREDATOR: Concrete Jungle"
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Good evening, ladies and gents! Obviously you've stumbled upon this blog because you're a fellow fan of THE PREDATOR! Good news, I'm going to be reading a bunch of the older predator comics on stream www.twitch.tv/hotelcharlihill and then reviewing them here :)
If you want to check out past episodes they're on YouTube HERE.
Anyway, well.... if it was 1989 and you simply wanted MORE predator like Christopher Walken needed 'more cowbell', you're in LUCK!
But if you wanted a compelling Predator story as riveting and suspenseful as the original movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers, Jessie Ventura, and many other fine actors who portrayed their characters well.... I'm sorry but this ain't it.
The story is quite awful and seems to 'nod' to the fans of the movie repeatedly, stealing and reusing lines of dialogue, etc (which is always annoying when overdone, ie: Aliens vs Predator 2: Requiem ripping off Aliens so much it was insulting to any fan's intelligence and made me want to puke).... so that wasn't a bonus. Some of the plot that moved along was terribly poor. One example was the main character turning his back on a gunman just so a reprised General Phillipps could gun down the bad guy while entering the scene - our main character verbally thinking how foolish a mistake that was (when it was so idiotic there's no way he would've done it, except when forced to by a story teller introducing a desired element into the plot).
Like so many comics the story moves along way too fast for the limited frames there are as well, more akin to something read by 8 year olds under blankets with flashlights past bedtime than late teens and adults who would be buying a comic with so much gratuitous violence in it.
On that note the involvement of the predators was over-the-top ridiculous with an all out war between the preds and the cops (and their new allies in gang members) in the streets of New York. Just too much.
I suppose when stories had to be knocked out issue by issue monthly, often by studios limited in the number of staff, there just isn't enough time to be writing the equivalent of storyboards for Oscar-quality movies....
Anyway, I'd give it a 2/5 stars as far as comics go because who can resist the predator? That being said, I wouldn't buy it. But if you can't help yourself here's a complete volume (4 comics in 1 book):
(hmm.... so many people are reviewing this as really good??? Either I'm super picky or they don't know what they're talking about)
From a biblical perspective there's really not much redeeming about this comic book or the story... and like most action genres for 'grown-ups' they take the Lord's Name in vain frequently... Sad and unnecessary.
If you'd like to know more about God check out the end of my old streams saved to YouTube. I used to conclude every day teaching from the Scriptures. Better yet, just check out my still-under-development website, www.HeHasAnswers.com
God bless you and have a great night :)

Good evening, ladies and gents! Obviously you've stumbled upon this blog because you're a fellow fan of THE PREDATOR! Good news, I'm going to be reading a bunch of the older predator comics on stream www.twitch.tv/hotelcharlihill and then reviewing them here :)
If you want to check out past episodes they're on YouTube HERE.
Anyway, well.... if it was 1989 and you simply wanted MORE predator like Christopher Walken needed 'more cowbell', you're in LUCK!
But if you wanted a compelling Predator story as riveting and suspenseful as the original movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers, Jessie Ventura, and many other fine actors who portrayed their characters well.... I'm sorry but this ain't it.
The story is quite awful and seems to 'nod' to the fans of the movie repeatedly, stealing and reusing lines of dialogue, etc (which is always annoying when overdone, ie: Aliens vs Predator 2: Requiem ripping off Aliens so much it was insulting to any fan's intelligence and made me want to puke).... so that wasn't a bonus. Some of the plot that moved along was terribly poor. One example was the main character turning his back on a gunman just so a reprised General Phillipps could gun down the bad guy while entering the scene - our main character verbally thinking how foolish a mistake that was (when it was so idiotic there's no way he would've done it, except when forced to by a story teller introducing a desired element into the plot).
Like so many comics the story moves along way too fast for the limited frames there are as well, more akin to something read by 8 year olds under blankets with flashlights past bedtime than late teens and adults who would be buying a comic with so much gratuitous violence in it.
On that note the involvement of the predators was over-the-top ridiculous with an all out war between the preds and the cops (and their new allies in gang members) in the streets of New York. Just too much.
I suppose when stories had to be knocked out issue by issue monthly, often by studios limited in the number of staff, there just isn't enough time to be writing the equivalent of storyboards for Oscar-quality movies....
Anyway, I'd give it a 2/5 stars as far as comics go because who can resist the predator? That being said, I wouldn't buy it. But if you can't help yourself here's a complete volume (4 comics in 1 book):
(hmm.... so many people are reviewing this as really good??? Either I'm super picky or they don't know what they're talking about)
From a biblical perspective there's really not much redeeming about this comic book or the story... and like most action genres for 'grown-ups' they take the Lord's Name in vain frequently... Sad and unnecessary.
If you'd like to know more about God check out the end of my old streams saved to YouTube. I used to conclude every day teaching from the Scriptures. Better yet, just check out my still-under-development website, www.HeHasAnswers.com
God bless you and have a great night :)
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